Cake Tin Hire

Zig Zag

Popular way to fill in outlined areas, perfect for ribbed sweater and cuff effects. You can also use tight zigzags to cover the entire side of your cake – they look great!

Tip: 16
Icing Consistency: Medium
Bag Position: 45° at 3:00 (9:00)
Hold Tip: Lightly Touching Surface

  1. Steadily squeeze and move your hand in a tight up and down motion.
  2. Continue piping up and down with steady pressure. To end, stop pressure and pull tip away. For more elongated zigzags, move your hand to the desired height while maintaining a steady pressure. For a more relaxed look, just increase the width as you move the bag along.
  3. Repeat as you move in a straight line with consistent up/down motion.

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